Present Perfect Tense With Examples and Rules In Hindi

Present Perfect Tense In Hindi With Examples, Rules, Definition, And Hindi to English Examples 30+. By All Sentences Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative and Interrogative words in both Language Hindi & English.

present perfect tense in Hindi
Present Perfect Tense – Examples, Rules

Present Perfect Tense Definition (English)

Present Perfect Tense In which Sentence Activities/Action Completed In Present time. Example– I have Slept., You have completed my homework., She has gone., He has danced on the stage., Roman has Played cricket., She is reached Noida., Etc…,

Present Perfect Tense Definitions (Hindi)

ऐसे वाक्य जो present time में ही कार्य का हो जाने का निर्देश दर्शाता है। या यह सभी वाक्यों के अंत में या है।, इ है।, चूका हूँ।, चुकी हूँ।, किये हो।, े, ई, ा है। etc…, आये तो हम इन्हे “Present Perfect Tense” कहते है। जैसे- तुम खेल चुके हो, वह कहा गई है।, आप क्योँ नहीं पढ़े है। ? etc..,

Type Of Sentences

  • Affirmative – ये वाक्य हमेशा सकारात्मक होते है। इसमें “not” or Questions words नहीं होते है। जैसे – वह दौड़ ली है।
  • Negative – इस वाक्योँ में ” नहीं /not” शब्द आता है। जैसे – वह नहीं दौड़ ली है।
  • Interrogative – यह वाक्योँ “क्या” से शुरू होता है। जैसे – क्या वह दौड़ ली है ?
  • Interrogative Words – इस वाक्योँ में Wh_questions “क्याकबकैसेक्योँकितनेकहाँ etc ..,” शामिल होता है। जैसे – वह क्योँ दौड़ ली है ?, वह कहा  दौड़ ली है ?, वह कब दौड़ ली है ?

Present Perfect Tense Rules and Examples

Affirmativesub+has/have+v3+obj.We have completed our work.
Negativesub+has/have+not+v3+obj.She has not read.
InterrogativeHas/have+sub+v3+obj ?Has he gone to school ?
Question wordWh-Family+has/have+sub+v3+obj ?When has he gone to school ?

Present Perfect Tense – Hindi to English

तुम कब आये हो। ?When have you come?
क्या तुम खा लिए हो ?Have you eaten?
वह स्कूल गया है। He has gone to school.
वे लोग दौड़ चुके है। They have run.
वे लोग चाय पी लिए है। They have taken tea.
हमलोग पढ़ लिए है। We have read.
तुम स्कूल क्योँ नहीं गए हो ?Why haven’t you gone to school?
तुम कब खाये हो ?When have you eaten?
वह यहाँ से कब गई है When has she gone from here?
तुम फूटबॉल कब खेले हो ?When have you played football?
वे लोग सो गए है ?They have slept.
क्या तुम TV देख लिए हो ?Have you watched TV?
Present Perfect Tense Hindi Video -1

In English

Present Perfect Tense Affirmative Sentence Examples

  • I have reached home.
  • You have slept.
  • We have stolen my book.
  • She has come from Lucknow.
  • Rama has won the match.
  • We have reached Canada.

Present Perfect Tense Negative Sentence Examples

  • I have not reached home.
  • You have not slept.
  • We have not stolen my book.
  • She has not come from Delhi.
  • Rama has not completed his work.
  • We have not reached China.

Present Perfect Tense Interrogative Sentence Example

  • Have I not reached The Home?
  • Has She cooked the food?
  • Have we stolen the money?
  • Has Rama played cricket?
  • Have you written a letter?
  • Has He gone the school?

Present Perfect Tense Question word Sentence Example

  • When have you played the match?
  • What have you done?
  • Where have you gone yesterday?
  • Why has He gone to New Delhi?
  • When has the bus gone Lucknow?
  • When have buses come from Agra?

Present Perfect Tense Examples

  • We have slept.
  • She has not completed her work?
  • Have You Gone the Agra?
  • Why Have you visited Lucknow?
  • When Have you Come From Nepal?
  • Where have you gone New Delhi?
  • I have not stolen your book?
  • He has played cricket with his friends?
Present Perfect Tense Hindi Video -2


  1. Chart of Tense
  2. 12 tenses with examples, rules, and Definitions
  3. Present indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  4. Present continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  5. Present Perfect tense in Hindi  – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  6. Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  7. Past indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  8. past continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  9. past perfect tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  10. past perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  11. Future indefinite tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  12. Future continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  13. Future perfect tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  14. Future perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition