5 Free Article Rewriting Tools For Bloggers

Free Article Rewriting Tools For Bloggers

Mark Twain once said, “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Any writer today knows how to manipulate and bend their text to portray these three elements. Whether you’re writing for an academy or for an SEO blog, you need to be able to tell the truth apart from fallacy.

However, conveying such deep ideas through text isn’t always easy. Article writers end up writing lackluster content, and some end up betting on their school life, while others play a cat & mouse game with their careers.

Enter an article spinner, and these problems seem to go away. So, which article rewriter should you be using? Let’s dive in and find out. 

What Are Article Rewriting Tools?

Article rewriting tools are one of the most used programs by writers in today’s world. They are remarkable tools that can help you rewrite or recreate content from scratch. 

Since rewriting is a stressful process, these rewriters enable you to do it at the flick of a switch—in a few seconds.

The primary making of such a tool depends on AI-based algorithms. These algorithms read the text present with the help of NLP, then turn them into a machine’s understanding. Once done, the AI kicks in again and rephrases the content provided by the user. 

How Do Article Rewriters Help for Bloggers? 

Article rewriters have become the primary aspect of writing good content for writers around the globe. So, why exactly are these tools vital for bloggers? 

The three most valuable aspects for any writer are ensuring a good content tone, avoiding plagiarism, and providing a seamless flow to the reader. Here’s how these article rewriters help with that:

  • Content Tone Change

The content tone is one of the leading factors in any content’s success—academic or professional. That’s when these article rewriters help anyone extensively through their varying content tone changes. 

By allowing you to use various content tones, these tools can help you improve or revamp any content tone entirely. 

  • Avoiding Plagiarism 

Plagiarism is one of the most unethical practices in the writing world today. No writing setting will ever accept a single percent of plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental. 

That’s why writers need to get rid of them entirely, and that’s when article rewriters come to the clutch. Since these tools basically revamp content, it also effectively avoids plagiarism.

  • Fixing Content Flow 

Content’s flow or readability is yet another essential factor in academies or professional writings. Therefore, it’s imperative that writers focus on improving their content flow, and an article rewriter can help them achieve it without any hassle. 

5 Top Free Article Rewriting Tools For Bloggers

The best tools in business are the ones that understand just what bloggers need. In order to grasp the idea of such tools, it’s imperative to understand what makes them effective. 

So, for your convenience, here are the 7 best-rewriting tools bloggers can use today: 

  1. Rephrase.Info

Rephrase.Info’s article rewriter is perhaps the best such tool available today. It offers you to change your content in two different tones, which can help you avoid plagiarism or make your content more interesting. 

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As you can notice, the tool offers a simple UI, which helps you recreate your content effectively and easily. 

Key Features

  • Revamps content in two tones
  • 1000-word limit
  • Remarkable use of synonyms 
  1. Editpad.org

Editpad is a remarkable tool provider with many great tools. Therefore, it’s no surprise that it offers a great article rewriter as well. This tool can help you recreate your academic essays or blog articles.

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As you can notice, it offers a simple UI as well. Moreover, you can recreate content in up to 9 languages. 

Key Features

  • 1000-words on free use
  • Shifts content around
  • Changes active to passive voice & vice versa
  1. Spinbot.com 

Spinbot is a content recreate in all its glory. This tool can help you spin your article around and make it better than the earlier one. It’s an excellent tool for professionals, as it also offers a unique but straightforward UI.

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As you can see here, the content simply needs to be pasted in the first one, and then the middle arrow will turn it into its better version.

Key Features

  • Only 10,000-character limit
  • Fixes content tone
  1. Smallseotools.com

Small SEO Tools have everything a writer needs, so it’s only fitting that their rewriting tool makes this list. As you will see, this tool has all the basic offerings of an article rewriter. 

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It also uses a basic dashboard and allows you to upload your content, drag and drop it, or import it from any of the mentioned cloud storage. 

Key Features

  • 2000-word limit
  • Shows the content’s process
  • In-built plagiarism checker
  1. Searchenginereports.net

Search Engine Report’s Article Rewriter is yet another stellar tool on this list. The unique thing about this tool is that it suggests the changes before it rewrites. So, you’re in complete command throughout.

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As seen in the top bar, the content you paste in this tool will go through a four-step procedure, with the 3rd step asking you what to do.

Key Features

  • Four-step process
  • Content suggestions before rewriting


These seven tools can turn things around for bloggers. These tools aren’t only ideal for revamping content, but they can also redo your content from top to bottom. 

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  1. […] significant connection with formality in academic writing. The use of the colloquial expression in writing provides circumstances which are considered natural in everyday dialogues we have with our […]