Which Language Is Used In WordPress

There are several queries that arise with practically every platform, regardless of your level of expertise as a website developer:
What language is WordPress written in? How much do we actually understand about the technology behind the robust content management system that so many of us have been using for years to create our websites and blogs?
This blog article will examine the languages utilized by WordPress and explain why developers might gain from knowing which ones are used.
Understanding your web development tools may prevent hours of stress while working on challenging projects, from specifics about the fundamental programming language of PHP to a discussion on JavaScript frameworks like jQuery.
So let’s explore WordPress and see what makes it work!
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Using Custom Code In WordPress
You may include custom code in a child theme’s functions.php file to utilize it with WordPress.
This file functions as a plugin and enables you to add unique code to your website without changing the theme’s primary source code.

You may make sure that your customized code is kept when the theme is changed by utilizing a child theme. An illustration of how to add a unique function to your functions.php file is shown below:
Using Code:
function custom_function() {
// custom code goes here
add_action( 'init', 'custom_function' );
The “custom function” custom function is created in this code, and it is then invoked on the “init” action hook using the add action function.
This indicates that when the page loads, the custom function will be called. Additionally, you may call your own function at various moments by using various action hooks.
It’s crucial to remember that altering theme files might have serious repercussions, destroying the website or making it vulnerable, if you’re unfamiliar with coding.
It’s better to get developer advice or utilize a plugin if you’re unsure about the code you’re adding.
What Languages Does WordPress Use?
One of the most well-liked content management systems (CMS) available is WordPress. Both people and corporations use it to build effective websites and blogs.
What languages, though, does WordPress employ? We’ll examine HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, the four primary languages utilized by WordPress, in this blog article.
Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is the foundation of the internet. Users may arrange their websites using HTML, a markup language.
It specifies how to text on a page should be organized, including headers, paragraphs, graphics, and more. All websites, including those run by WordPress, are created using HTML.
Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS, are used in conjunction with HTML to provide style and visual appeal to webpages. CSS enhances your website’s appearance by adding colors, fonts, layouts, sizes, and shadows.
Additionally, it ensures that your website looks the same on desktops, mobile devices, and tablets.
One of the most widely used programming languages nowadays is JavaScript. JavaScript is used to provide interactive components, such as forms or surveys.
Where visitors may enter information into a website or application, as well as dynamic aspects of web pages, such as animations.
WordPress comes with a variety of JavaScript libraries that provide programmers the ability to build unique plugins that enhance pre-existing themes or websites made with WordPress.
which is an abbreviation for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, the programming language used by WordPress.
When someone visits a website or blog made with WordPress, PHP code is running in the background to dynamically produce HTML pages.
This implies that every time you see a webpage made with WordPress on your computer (or any other device), PHP code is really being used to build the content inside, rather than just being a static page that never changes.
WordPress Hooks
Developers may add unique functionality to a WordPress website using hooks instead of changing the core files.
Hooks come in two varieties: action hooks and filter hooks. With the use of action hooks, developers may insert custom code at key WordPress code locations.
When a page is loaded or a post is saved. Contrarily, filter hooks give programmers the ability to change data before it is shown on a page.
For example, a filter hook may be used to alter a button’s content, but an action hook can be used to add a personalized message to the bottom of each post.
With the help of WordPress hooks, you can easily add unique functionality to a website without changing its base code.
The custom code is separated from the main files, making it simpler to update the website and keep it safe.
The complete set of action and filter hooks can be found in the WordPress Codex (official documentation).
Developers can make use of the action or filter hooks that are common by developing functions and connecting them to the hooks using the add action() or add filter() methods, respectively.
It’s important to note that these hooks are essential for WordPress plugin development since they let plugins communicate with the source without changing it.
JavaScript Events
JavaScript events are browser-based operations like a user clicking a button or a page fully loaded.
These events can be used to launch a particular action or reaction, such as changing the website’s content or showing a pop-up message.
Event listeners, which are functions that are invoked when a given event happens, are commonly used to manage JavaScript events.
The addEventListener() method, for instance, may be used to handle button click events by attaching an event listener to the button element and invoking a defined function whenever the button is clicked.
<button id="myButton">Click me</button>
var button = document.getElementById("myButton");
button.addEventListener("click", function(){
// code to be executed when the button is clicked
JavaScript supports a wide variety of events, including keyboard events (keypress, keydown, etc.), mouse events (click, hover, etc.), and form events (submit, change, etc.). Websites that are interactive and dynamic can be made using these occasions.
It’s also important to note that JavaScript events may propagate across the DOM (Document Object Model), which allows an event to be transmitted to an element’s parent and predecessors when it is triggered on a specific element.
Event bubbling is a process that may be halted by utilizing the event. method stopPropagation()
What’s the Best Way to Add Custom Code to WordPress?
Using a child theme and adding the code to its functions.php file is the best approach to introducing custom code to WordPress.
This makes it simpler to update the theme and maintain the website’s security since it enables you to add customized functionality to your website without changing the theme’s core files.
Using a plugin is another option for including custom code. If you don’t feel comfortable modifying code or if you want to be able to quickly disable or delete the custom code in the future, this could be a suitable alternative.
The Code Snippets plugin also enables you to add custom code to your website without changing the theme files. The code snippets may also be managed and organized in a straightforward manner.
A tiny error might cause the website to break, therefore it’s always a good idea to back up your website before modifying the code or to ensure that you are familiar with the code you’re adding and how it functions.
To sum up, WordPress employs four basic languages that all function together seamlessly: HTML for structure, CSS for styling, JavaScript for interaction, and PHP as its fundamental programming language.
Understanding these four essential languages will go a long way toward making your project successful, whether you’re new to coding or an experienced developer trying to build something remarkable with WordPress.
So before you begin constructing your website or blog on the platform, make sure you are familiar with each.