The Do’s and don’ts of Instagram Likes: A Comprehensive Guide

Instagram is one of the most popular photo and video-sharing platforms on social media. The platform allows its users to share their content in the form of reels. These creators are also known as influencers and some of them have gained a lot of attention both on and off the platform. When it comes to any social media platform, likes are an essential part of any creator’s campaign.
This article will focus on the top 7 dos and don’ts for gaining more Instagram likes. We will also explain how you can buy Instagram likes.
The Do’s of Instagram Likes
1. Work on your posts
When posting photos on Instagram, make sure to post them vertically. The platform itself is vertical so it is better to show your beautiful shots in the same format. Use captions that catch the attention of your viewers. Also, putting a hint of humor in your posts can make your posts more appealing.
2. Get creative with editing
Make sure to edit your photos before posting, and by editing, we do not mean adding filters to your posts. Sure, adding filters is one option, but apart from them, you can also use editing apps for your photos. Improve the lighting in your photos and clear blurred images. A slight editing of your post can make your posts even more stand out.
3. Keep an eye on the timing
The time when you post matters a lot, never post in the wee hours. The best time to share posts is in the morning hours between 8:30 am and 10 am. In the evening, share your posts between 7:30 pm and 10 pm. These are the times when people normally commute and hence are more likely to use their smartphones. Also, 2-3 posts a day are generally suggested to keep your audience engaged.
4. Quality is important
Quality matters in every aspect of life and the same is true for social media. Always post high-quality photos and it is not necessary to use a DSLR for the same. A simple phone camera can also produce good-quality photos using a couple of touch-ups and editing tools.
5. Make use of the latest features
The platform keeps releasing new features, use these features to your advantage. Incorporate hashtags in your posts, try using the trending ones. Experiment with different filters and audio tracks. Work with different styles and themes and make your posts stand out in the crowd. Use Instagram stories to up your social media game. Also, tag the location of your posts.
6. Collaborate
Instagram is a social media platform and you should use it for exactly that, i.e., socialising. Connect with other influencers and if both parties agree, work together for a couple of reels. This will bring in more likes to your videos as the other influencer’s followers will also like your post. Also, connecting with like-minded people can help you get new content and ideas. Try to connect with brands and offer to promote their products. This will also bring in new likes for your content.
7. Connect with your audience
Your audience is the one who will take your page to new heights. Connect with them in your comment section and try to reply to most of them in the comments. You can also give a shout-out to your most loyal followers. Host contests and giveaways for your followers and reward their loyalty with attractive prizes. Ask questions and encourage them to post their suggestions for new content.
The Don’ts of Instagram Likes
1. Do not compromise with quality
Never compromise with the quality of your posts. Posting for the sake of posting is not an ideal solution. Blurry and lowlight photos, out-of-focus videos, and videos with background noise do not need to be shared.
2. Do not overuse tools
Using borders in your photos is a big no-no. They not only diminish the uniqueness of your photo but also make your posts look messy. Using too many filters is also not recommended. Hashtags should also be used in moderation. Using the same trending audio for each of your posts is best avoided. Understand that music is a big part of conveying what your posts are all about, so pay attention to the tracks.
3. Do not indulge in spamming
Nobody likes spam messages. Direct messaging people to ask them to follow you does not seem nice. Also, sending an automated purchasing link to your new followers might irk them to unfollow you. Your messages must be personalised and to the point.
4. Do not bombard your followers
Never bombard your followers with a huge number of posts at the same time. Give them time to process your content and they are more likely to like your posts. Posting too much content can irk them and they might unfollow you in the long run.
5. Do not turn off comments
If you have decided to be an influencer, turning off your comment section is a blunder. Never set your account to private either, because both these steps will hinder your progress on the platform. Being an influencer, you need to connect with your audience. Always remember that your audience is your main promoter.
6. Do not invest in shady websites
Buying Instagram likes is the new trend, but beware before investing in any website. Always go through the website reviews and check their payment credentials before taking the next step. Shady websites are scammers and you should steer clear of them.
7. Do not get boring
Never post the same content twice, except only when you are posting memories. Experimenting with themes, styles, audio tracks and trends can bring a whole new personality to your content. Boring your audience with the same old should be avoided at all costs.
To conclude, these are the dos and don’ts of Instagram likes that you can follow to achieve new heights on the platform. If you are looking for free Instagram likes, search for credible websites, and invest in them. A couple hundred or thousand likes can make your content seem more attractive and give credibility to your account. Go ahead and work on your Instagram profile to gain more success.