Chanda Devi Intermediate College Pakaha ,Deoria , UP 274404

Chanda Devi Inter College Pakaha , Deoria , UP , 274404
Chanda Devi Inter College is Located In Pakaha, District Deoria, Uttar Pradesh, India, ZIP Code 274404 Front Bihar Border But Located In UP. Founded By Ramji Yadav In 2006. This School is Hindi and English Medium LKG to 12th.
Chanda Devi Intermediate College Spread In 27,100 Sq Ft. it Is a Very Long Area This School is Most Famous In These areas Like – Baghauch, Kateya, Pakaha, Bai, Banakta, Ramnagar, Nilai, and More 30+ Short areas Famous These School.

Chanda Devi Intermediate College Pakaha

Chanda Devi Intermediate College Pakaha Town . This School is Famous In Neighbouring Area. Pakaha Have 5 schools but This School Most Famous. Facility – Camera, English Medium School, etc. Manager Ramji Yadav (Founded By 2006).