B2B Video Marketing Tips to Boost Sales

As a business-to-business (B2B) company owner, it can be hard to stand out from your competitors, especially if you’re in an already saturated market. This challenge can seem insurmountable if you’re new to your industry but it needn’t be. Video marketing can give B2B companies a much-needed edge and we have a quick guide to get you up and running faster and easier than you may think. 

If you’re not convinced that video marketing is worth pursuing, ponder this: In 2021, the video was the top priority for marketers according to a study by Wyzowl and the importance has only grown as the pandemic has pushed more and more business owners to buy online. As a B2B company, you literally can’t afford to be behind on this trend, so let’s get you started with video marketing!

Why Focus on Video Marketing?

Still on the fence about whether or not video marketing is worth the investment of both your time and money? There’s no harm in doing your research and we’ll even give you a headstart with some pretty convincing numbers from Wyzowl so you can see for yourself why video marketing is the next best step for you and your company:

  • 87% of video marketers say video is a wise investment because it gave them a positive ROI and was a highly effective tool for lead generations. 
  • 94% of marketers say video marketing is great for educating the public about their products or services. 
  • The number of videos being watched online has more than doubled since 2018 leading to a significant increase in engagement for marketers. 

Even beyond these already amazing statistics, video marketing will complement all of your other marketing that you’ve put time and energy into. Your landing pages and social media accounts will get a boost in engagement and conversions if you introduce video marketing into your strategy. It basically serves as a very enticing and convincing hook that helps viewers take the next step. 

How’s that fence looking? Think you’re ready to come down from it? We thought so. We also know there’s more to learn and we’re ready to fill you in on it. So, let’s keep exploring video marketing before we get into the how-to portion of this article as we look at what video marketing actually involves. 

What Exactly Is Video Marketing?

When you think of marketing, you more than likely think of ads in magazines or on billboards. While video marketing uses some of the same basic principles, it’s a whole new world to explore full of demos, testimonials, and content. 

Corporate video production for B2B companies, specifically, entails posting video content for your business clients to see that will either educate them about your company or promote your product or service. The best video marketing finds a way to seamlessly blend both goals while also including a rock-solid call to action. If your head is already spinning, keep on reading and we’ll help you figure it all out.

These videos can then be embedded into your website, on social media posts, in emails, and more. The best news is that creating video content doesn’t have to be costly, if you have a smartphone, you can create clips that are clear, crisp, and engaging. Even if your video is grainy, it can be effective because it’s authentic (more on this later) so you truly have no excuse to not find out more about video marketing for B2B companies. 

How Can You Use Video Marketing as a B2B Company?

We thought you’d never ask! As a company focused on marketing to other businesses every day, you probably have a pretty good idea of what they’re looking for from you and where they’re going to find it. Maybe your target audience is on LinkedIn looking to make connections. Or, maybe they’re searching YouTube to find testimonials and demos. Once you spend time getting to know your ideal buyer, you’ll know what channels they use where you need to reach out to them along their buying journey. 

Wherever they’re at and whatever they’re looking for, you can guarantee that they want to see that the company they’re doing business with is trustworthy, reliable, and proven. Sure, you can communicate a lot of that with a high-end website or printed materials, but to reach a broader audience, you’re going to need to expand your horizons to include video. There are four main ways to integrate video marketing into your strategy. Let’s check them out. 

  • Interviews and testimonials are one of the best ways a company can show that they have proven results and that other people would recommend them in real life. People love to see and hear from clients and customers that can attest to your product or service. Ask a few of your past customers to do a quick video explaining their experience with your company. You want it to come across as genuine as possible so skip the script and just have a loose guide of what to cover. 

If you want a little more structure to your video, you could conduct a short interview instead so you’re in control of the direction the testimony takes. Make sure you’re asking questions that will boost the confidence of viewers and let them know it’s safe to do business with you. These videos are your word-of-mouth referrals for the digital age so they have a huge impact on your conversions. 

  • How-to videos and demos are another tried-and-true way to show potential customers what they can expect from your products and services. People can’t get enough of a good demonstration video! Think about it, how many times have you watched super sharp knives cut through coins and pieces of paper? Demos sell! 

Take a quick video that demonstrates how your product works and how it could benefit the viewer’s business. This kind of video marketing shows the person watching if you have a way of solving their problem and is perfectly placed midway in the buyer’s journey when the viewer is doing their research. Your company has a solution for them so find a way to communicate exactly that and you’ll win a new client. 

  • Behind-the-scenes content shows prospective customers who you really are and what your company is like behind the curtain. Take some footage of your operation, interview employees, take a tour of your facilities. The more you can show, the better as this will all go to build the public’s trust in you and let their guard down. You want people to want to do business with you because they like you and what your company stands for. 

These videos add a much-needed human touch to your marketing strategy. They’re a valuable asset when viewers are trying to decide between two similar companies and want to see just a little more about you before they make their decision.

  • Product updates are a perfect form of video marketing for more established companies to put out as they move forward with their strategy. These videos are going to re-engage current customers by showing them new features and they’ll attract new customers by showing them that you continue to innovate your products and services. They’re also an excellent way to pull cold leads back in and win their business. In short, they create buzz!

    Keep these videos short and engaging. You can either tease an upcoming announcement or be more informative about the new update. Lean heavily on the benefits so viewers are left wanting more and are inspired to take action. 

As you’re creating your video marketing, you want to keep one major thing in mind: be authentic. You never want to come across as a cheesy salesman that can’t be trusted. At the same time, you don’t want to focus so much on looking professional that you lose the personal touch. The ultimate goal is convincing the other business that your business is one they want to do business with. Did we say “business” enough?

What Are You Waiting for? 

We hate to say it but if you haven’t ventured into video marketing yet, you’re already behind the times and you can’t afford to wait any longer! Now is the time to figure out your company’s B2B video marketing strategy so you’re getting your products and services in front of these businesses before they find your competitor instead. Do your research so you know your customer inside and out. What are they looking for and where are they going to find it? Be there and give it to them before anyone else does. 

The pandemic is hopefully coming to an end, but the world is still on shaky ground with the current political unrest. Our point? Businesses are unlikely to leave the relatively safe online world for their research and B2B needs. Take advantage of this trend and start creating video content that will show online viewers that they can trust you, like you, and benefit from doing business with you. 

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